Governing Body
- To formulate long range planning for the growth and development of the institute.
- To take decisions for the introduction of new programs of study at UG level.
- To approve civil works for the infrastructure development of the college.
- To work out measures for the creation and operation of R&D cell, Consultancies.
- It finalizes the service conditions(Selection, Appointment, Probation declaration, annual increment, scale of pay, promotion, training, regularization, ratification, deputation, lien, disciplinary matters etc.) of the staff working in consonance with State Government, AICTE, JNTUA stipulations.
- To finalize and approve proposals for research projects applied by the faculty concerned to AICTE, UGC, DST and other funding agencies.
- It frames rules as to the functioning of account section, formats for maintenance of accounts, arrange for their audit and review the audit report given by a qualified Charted Accountant.
- It takes steps for internal audit of the expenditures.
- It formulates the rules and regulations relating to donations by others for the development of the institute.
- It monitors the functioning and progress of the institute fulfilling the objectives of the sponsoring society.
- All transactions of the Governing Body are recorded with regular maintenance of minutes.
Finance and Purchase Committee
The Finance committee advises the governing Body on financial matters. They meet twice a year or as and when it is required. The committee is responsible to- Monitor Budget requirements.
- Allocation of budget to various departments.
- Monitor Financial outflow & to ensure improvements in financial practices.
S. No. | Name of the Member | Designation | Role |
1. | Dr. C. Prakasa Rao | Principal | Chairman |
2. | Dr. J. Chandra Mouli | Director of Accounts | Convener |
3. | Mr.P. V. Narashimha Swami | Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE | Member |
4. | Mr. M. Jeevan Kumar | Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE | Member |
5. | Mr. K. Girish Kumar | Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE | Member |
6. | Mr. V. Varun Kumar | Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mech | Member |
7. | Mr. S. Sreedhar | Assistant Professor, Dept. of H&S | Member |
R&D Cell
The committee is responsible to- Scrutinize the research projects submitted by the faculty, and to recommend the deserving projects to the appropriate funding agencies for financial support.
- Scrutinize the student’s project proposals to various agencies for financial support and recommend the suitable projects.
- Examine the applications received from the faculty members for sponsoring to higher education leading to the degrees M.Tech/MS/Ph.D.
- Examine the applications received from the faculty/students for patents/ awards and recommend to the appropriate authorities.
- Examine the Research and consultancy projects and recommend the suitable projects to pursue.
S. No. | Name of the Member | Designation | Role |
1. | Dr. V. Anil Kumar | Professor, Department of EEE | Convener |
2. | Dr. D. Rajani | Associate Professor, Dept.of ECE | Member |
3. | Dr. P. S. R. K. Prasad | Professor, Dept. of H&S | Member |
4. | Mr. S. M. Shafee | Associate Professor, Dept. of Mech | Member |
5. | Dr. D. V. Harsha Vardhan | Professor, Dept. of H&S | Member |
6. | Mr.M.Praveen Kumar | Assistant Professor, Dept.of CSE | Member |
Industry Institute Interaction Cell
The committee is responsible to- To entre in to MOUs with industries, academic institutions and research organizations.
- To arrange for industrial visits and training facilities.
- To undertake industry related projects.
- To arrange for internships.
- To arrange seminars and workshops on industry needs.
S. No. | Name of the Member | Designation | Role |
1. | Dr. D. V. Harsha Vardhan | Professor, Dept. of EEE | Convener |
2. | Mr. S. M. Shafee | Associate Professor, Dept.of ECE | Member |
3. | Mr. G. Vidya Sagar | Professor, Dept. of H&S | Member |
4. | Mr. T. Srikanth | Associate Professor, Dept. of Mech | Member |
5. | Mr. P. Mohana | Professor, Dept. of H&S | Member |
6. | Mr.V.Varun Kumar | Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE | Member |
7. | Mr. D. Naresh | Assistant Professor, Dept. of CE | Member |
Library Committee
The committee is responsible to- Purchase of text books, Reference Books, NPTEL and other learning material as per the requirement of the departments/ HOD’s.
- Finalization of yearly Budget, space and furniture requirements, Human resource requirement etc.
- Subscribing for the new Journals and renewals for old journals.
- Maintenance of Digital Library and its usage.
- Stock verification and annual audits.
- Automation of library operations.
S. No. | Name of the Member | Designation | Role |
1. | Dr. C. Prakasa Rao | Principal | Chair Person |
2. | Dr. V. Anil Kumar | Vice Principal | Chief Coordinator |
3. | Dr. D. Rajani | Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE | Deputy Coordinator |
4. | Mr. S. Sreedhar | Assistant Professor, Dept.of H&S | Member |
5. | Mrs. Y. Supriya | Assistant Professor, Dept. of H&S | Member |
6. | Mr. P. Ravi Kumar | Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE | Member |
7. | Ms. G. Usha Rani | Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE | Member |
8. | Mr. R. Prapul Kumar | Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE | Member |
9. | Mrs. V. S. V. Harika | Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE | Member |
10. | Mr. S. S. Ravi Shankar | Assistant Professor, Dept. of ME | Member |
11. | Mrs. K. Ratna Jyothi | Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE | Member |
12. | Ms. SD. Farhana Tabasum | Assistant Professor, Dept. of CE | Member |
13. | Mr. L. Venkateswarlu | Chief Librarian | Convenor |
Anti Ragging Committee
The committee is responsible to- Addressing the senior students about anti-ragging activity and advising 2nd Tech students in particular to be away from such things.
- Monitoring the senior students in inside/outside the college campus by various staff volunteers.
- Displaying of posters about ragging and its consequences at prominent places.
- Organizing to counseling the students by police, judiciary personnel about the ragging and its consequences
- Informing the freshers about the activities of Anti-ragging Committee suggesting to approach the members of the committee about any issue pertaining to ragging.
- Receiving complaints from freshers’ about ragging incidents. Enquiring and informing the authorities about the findings for appropriate action.
S. No. | Name of the Member | Designation | Role |
1. | Dr. C. Prakasa Rao | Principal | Chair Person |
2. | Dr. PSRK Prasad | HOD, Dept. of H&S | Nodal Officer |
3. | Dr. V. Anil Kumar | HOD, Dept. of EEE | Member |
4. | Mrs. B. Supraja | HOD, Dept. of CE | Member |
5. | Dr. T. Subrahmanyam | Associate Professor, Dept. of H&S | Member |
6. | Mr. P. Rajesh | Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE | Member |
7. | Mr. M. Praveen Kumar | Assistant Professor, Dept.of CSE | Member |
8. | Mrs. Mercy Lydia | Assistant Professor, Dept. of ME | Member |
9. | Mr. P. Narasimha Swami | Assistant Professor, Dept.of ECE | Member |
10. | Mrs. S. Narmadha | Assistant Professor, Dept.of EEE | Member |
Grievance Redressal Committee
The committee is responsible to- Communicating to all the students, staff of the institute about formation of the committee and committee members.
- Receiving complaints/ grievances from students, faculty members and nonteaching staff members relating to Teaching, Examinations, Evaluations etc., Amenities, facilities, Gender discrimination, ragging, and indiscipline.
- Enquiring and reporting to the Principal/ Management with the recommendation for redressal of the grievance and further enquiry if required.
S. No. | Name of the Member | Designation | Role |
1. | Dr. C. Prakasa Rao | Principal | Chair Person |
2. | Dr. D. V. Harshavardhan | Professor, Dept. of H&S | Convenor |
3. | Mrs. M. Mercy Lydia | Asisstant Professor, Dept. of ME | Member |
4. | Mr. P. V. Nasimha Swamy | Asisstant Professor, Dept. of ECE | Member |
5. | Mr. T. Srikanth | Asisstant Professor, Dept. of EEE | Member |
6. | Mrs. I. Shalini | Asisstant Professor, Dept. of CSE | Member |
7. | Mr.D.Naresh | Asisstant Professor, Dept. of CE | Member |
8. | Dr. Ch. Chandra Sekhar | Professor, Dept. of H&S | Member |
9. | Mr. V. Sesha Sai Raman | Student, Dept. of ECE | Student Member |
10. | Mr. N. Sai Dileep | Student, Dept. of CSE | Student Member |
11. | Mr. M. Yashwanth | Student, Dept. of EEE | Student Member |
12. | Mr. T. Mahendra | Student, Dept. of CE | Student Member |
13. | Mr. G. Hitesh Sainadh | Student, Dept. of ME | Student Member |
Disciplinary Committee
The committee is responsible to- Maintaining discipline in the college campus.
- Monitoring and maintaining dress code.
- Resolving disputes among students if any.
- Encouraging students become regular and responsive.
- Report and recommend corrective actions on defaulters.
S. No. | Name of the Member | Designation | Role |
1. | Mr. P. Nagendra Babu | Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE | Chair Person |
2. | Mr. M. Jeevan Kumar | Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE | Member |
3. | Mr. SK. Zakir Hussain | Assistant Professor, Dept. of ME | Member |
4. | Mr. A. Hemanth Kumar | Asisstant Professor, Dept. of ECE | Member |
5. | Mr. N. Sudarshan Rao | Asisstant Professor, Dept. of EEE | Member |
6. | Mr. D. Naresh | Asisstant Professor, Dept. of CE | Member |
7. | Mr. M. Venkateswarlu | Asisstant Professor, Dept. of H&S | Member |
Planning & Development Committee
The committee is responsible to- Monitor periodically the conducting of Training programs for the faculty members.
- Monitor the faculty development program organized by SVCN and encourage the faculty to attend the faculty development programs, seminars, conferences, industrial visits etc.,
- Monitor the conduct of periodical class tests to the students and their evaluation process.
- Monitor the teaching methodologies adopted by the teachers.
- Suggest the introduction of value added courses, Guest lectures, Seminars etc to students.
- Monitor the various developmental activities.
S. No. | Name of the Member | Designation | Role |
1. | Dr. K. Venkata Nagendra | Professor, Dept. of CSE | Chair Person |
2. | Mr. C. Prapulla Kumar | Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE | Member |
3. | Mr. S. Hareesh | Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE | Member |
4. | Mr. P. Ramesh | Asisstant Professor, Dept. of EEE | Member |
5. | Mrs. B. Haritha Bai | Asisstant Professor, Dept. of ME | Member |
6. | Mrs. G. Geetha | Asisstant Professor, Dept. of H&S | Member |
7. | Dr. K. Vijaya Kumar | Professor, Dept. of ME | Member |
NSS Committee
The committee is responsible to- Blood donation/eye camps.
- Rain water harvesting programmes.
- Clean and green programs.
- Road safety rallies.
- Cash and material support like blankets, clothes, fruits to orphanages and old age homes.
- Collection of donations for the people affected in natural calamities like floods.
- General socio-environmental activities.
- AIDS awareness programs.
- Drinking water supply in summer.
S. No. | Name of the Member | Designation | Role |
1. | Dr. T. Subramanyam | Associate Professor, Dept. of H&S | Chair Person |
2. | Mr. K. Venkaiah | Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE | Member |
3. | Mrs. CH. Naveena Kumari | Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE | Member |
4. | Mrs. V. S. V. Harika | Asisstant Professor, Dept. of CSE | Member |
5. | Mr. M. R. S. Subramanyam | Asisstant Professor, Dept. of ME | Member |
6. | Ms. SD. Farhana Tabasum | Asisstant Professor, Dept. of CE | Member |
7. | Mr. D. Ramana | Assistant Professor, Dept. of H&S | Member |
Transportation Committee
The committee is responsible to- Ensure the proper maintenance, servicing of buses & speed locking periodically & to arrange for well experienced drivers.
- Instructing the drivers every now and then to be very careful while driving the vehicles.
- Give necessary instructions to the students for not indulging in unacceptable behavior especially towards girl students.
- Prepare route schedules specifying timings.
- Receive complaints from students/faculty/drivers and take necessary action.
S. No. | Name of the Member | Designation | Role |
1. | Dr. Ch. Chandra Sekhar | Professor, Dept. of H&S | Convenor |
2. | Mr. B. Goutham | Assistant Professor, Dept. of H&S | Member |
3. | Mr. E. Venkateswarulu | Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE | Member |
4. | Mr. T. Raja Mohan Reddy | Asisstant Professor, Dept. of CSE | Member |
5. | Mr. V. Abhinay | Asisstant Professor, Dept. of ME | Member |
6. | Mr. D. Naresh | Asisstant Professor, Dept. of CE | Member |
7. | Mr. SD. Liyakath | Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE | Member |
The committee is responsible to- Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks.
- The relevance and quality of academic and research programmes.
- Equitable access to and affordability of academic programmes for various sections of society.
- Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for various academic and academic and administrative activities of the institution.
S. No. | Name of the Member | Designation | Role |
1. | Dr. C. Prakasa Rao | Principal | Chair Person |
2. | Dr. D. Rajani | Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE | IQAC Coordinator |
3. | Mrs. M. Mercy Lydia | Assistant Professor, Dept. of ME | Deputy IQAC Coordinator |
4. | Mr. Chandra Mouli Jyothi | Administrative Officer | Management Member |
5. | Mr. P. Krishna Chaitanya | Director Administration | Management Member |
6. | Mr. T. Murali | Senior Manager, Sri Kalahasthi Pipes LTD |
Industry Representative |
7. | Dr. V. Anil Kumar | Professor, Dept. of EEE | Member |
8. | Dr. P. S. R. K. Prasad | Professor and HOD, Dept. of H&S | Member |
9. | Mr. M. Praveen Kumar | Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE | Member |
10. | Mr. P. Rajesh | Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE | Member |
11. | Mr. S. M. Shafee | Associate Professor, Dept. of ME | Member |
12. | Mrs. B. Supraja | Asisstant Professor, Dept. of CE | Member |
13. | Mr. Y. V. Niranjan Kumar | Assistant Professor & Officer Incharge | Member |
14. | Mr. L. Venkateswar Rao | Chief Librarian | Member |
15. | Mr. K. Srikanth | Training & Placement Officer | Member |
16. | Mr. D. Naresh | Assistant Professor, Dept. of CE | Alumni Representative |
17. | Mr. K. V. Karthik | Student | Student Representative |
18. | Mrs. M. Usha Rani | Parent | Parent Representative |
19. | Mr. R. Prasad | Physical Director | Sports Representative |
The committee is responsible to- To evaluate the performance of various departments and appreciate their achievements and give suggestions for further improvement of the quality of teaching, reaserch, administration and extra curricular activities.
- To encourage departments or programs to evaluate their education quality processes.
- To oversee the academic affairs of the college and make recommendations to the principal about academic programs and strategic priorities.
S. No. | Name of the Member | Designation | Role |
1. | Dr. C. Prakasa Rao | Principal | Chair Person |
2. | Mrs. B. Supraja | Assistant Professor, Dept. of CE | Convenor |
3. | Mrs. SD. Mousin | Assistant Professor, Dept. of H&S | Member |
4. | Mr. S. Sreedhar | Assistant Professor, Dept. of H&S | Member |
5. | Mr. T. Srikanth | Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE | Member |
6. | Mr. V. Abhinay | Assistant Professor, Dept. of ME | Member |
7. | Mrs. A. Mary | Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE | Member |
8. | Mr. S. Mahesh | Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE | Member |
9. | Mrs. CH. Chitra Rupa | Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE | Member |
10. | Mrs. V. S. V. Harika | Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE | Member |
SC & ST Committee
- To counsel and guide SC/ ST students and help them to manage academic and personal issues of college life effectively.
- To ensure provisions of an environment where all such students feel safe and secure.
- To provide prompt counseling for any emotional emergencies arising on account of any event at the campus.
- To provide the mechanism to redress the grievance of SC/ST students, if any.
- To ensure protection and reservation as provided in the constitution of India.
- To arrange for special opportunities to enhance the carrier growth.
- To aware the SC/ST students regarding various scholarships program of State Govt. Central Govt and AICTE.
Committee Coordinators
S. No. | Name of the Member | Designation | Role |
1. | Dr. PSRK Prasad | Dean of Academics | Chair Person |
2. | Dr. K. Venkata Nagendra | Professor – CSE | Coordinator |
3. | Dr. D. Rajani | Assoc. Professor – ECE | Member |
4. | Dr. K. Gunavardhan | Assoc. Professor – EEE | Member |
5. | Dr. T. Subrahmanyam | Assoc. Professor – H&S | Member |
6. | Mr. P. Rajesh | Assoc. Professor – ECE | Member |
7. | Mrs. B. Supraja | Asst. Professor – Civil | Member |
8. | Mr. P. V. Narasimha Swami | Assoc. Professor – ECE | Member |
Internal Complaint Committee
- To make students aware of gender equity.
- To motive and Inspire girl students in their pursuit for excellence.
- To educate girl students on women specific health issues and measures to be taken.
- To encourage greater participation and to develop responsible and value oriented leadership in Female students.
- To promote awareness of their social and legal rights and to equip them to stand against gender violence and gender discrimination.
- To create a conductive counseling for female gender to share their problems.
Committee Coordinators
S. No. | Name of the Member | Designation | Role |
1. | Dr. P. Kalyani | Professor & HOD – AI&DS | Chair Person |
2. | Mrs. M. Mercy Lydia | Asst. Professor & HOD – ME | Coordinator |
3. | Mrs. S. Narmadha | Assoc. Professor – EEE | Member |
4. | Ms. D. Bharani | Student – ECE Dept. | Student Member |
5. | Ms. G. Manvitha | Student – CSE Dept. | Student Member |
6. | Ms. G. Divya | Student – EEE Dept. | Student Member |
7. | Mrs. S. V. Vijaya Lakshmi | Advocate | Legal Advisory Member |