About R&D
Teaching and Research is a novel profession based on moral values. Ethics and honesty are very important components of teaching and research. Presenting others work as their own is not healthy practice. It may distress on the reputation of the institute. The Research Committee of the college motivates faculty members and students to take up innovative and creative projects, participation at national and international level competitions and publishing research work in the form of journals or books. In practice, due care is taken in terms of code of ethics and plagiarism. All Students and staff must follow the Rules & Regulations.
Principles of Research Ethics
- Beneficence and non-maleficence.
- Justice.
- Informed consent.
- Confidentiality and data protection.
- Integrity.
- Conflict of interest.
Rules for the promotion of Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism
- Students enrolled in academic program must follow the code the ethics. Violation of code of ethics includes submission of item of academic work that has previous been submitted without fair citation of the original work or authorization by the faculty member supervising the work.
- It is responsibility of a faculty of the institute to distinguish original content from plagiarized work. The detection of the plagiarism is a judgement to be made by a person who understands the subject and who is also aware of the definition of plagiarism. Such person would also be aware of the tools available to detect the plagiarism.
Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering believes that research & development is essential. Hence it encourages and involves all students and staff members to do research on issues that cause hindrance in their respective fields of Science and Engineering. We understand that the fruits of research can only be passed on to mankind; by developing systems that are better than their predecessors. So, we give equal importance research and development. We have active R&D cells in each department; these cells offer conducive environment and necessary infrastructure to carry out R&D activities for students and staff alike.
S. No. | Name of the Member | Designation | Role |
1. | Dr. V. Anil Kumar | Professor Dept. of EEE |
Convenor |
2. | Dr. D. Rajani | Associate Professor Dept. of ECE |
Member |
3. | Dr. PSRK Prasad | Professor Dept. of H&S |
Member |
4. | Mr. S. M. Shafee | Associate Professor Dept. of Mech |
Member |
5. | Dr. D. V. HarshaVardhan | Professor Dept. of H&S |
Member |
6. | Mr. M. Praveen Kumar | Assistant Professor Dept. of CSE |
Member |
Dean R&D
Mail to: deanrandd@svcn.ac.in | drkvnagendra@svcn.ac.in
Contact: +91 6281537006